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Advisory Services

IUT offers advisory service in matters relating to urban transport to Government of India and State and Local Governments. State and City Governments can appoint IUT as knowledge partners for seeking technical advisory from IUT experts on reviewing policy documents, organizing consultants, framing terms of reference for consultancy work, review of reports and documents, and project monitoring.


The present urban transport scene in cities in India, in general, is in a decline. Use of cars and 2-wheelers is rising, public transport is inadequate and use of walk and 2-W is falling. Journey time is getting longer, pollution is rising, accidents are increasing, walking and cycling in city is unsafe. The consequential loss of fuel is a National loss. Rising Pollution is both a local and a global issue. Good city transport is crucial to Good quality of life and Economic growth of the city. There is thus an urgent need to improve urban transport in cities and to help it to grow along a sustainable path.

The improvement process needs to be undertaken in two steps; immediate measures and planning for long term. Immediate measures will involve identification of problem spots i.e. traffic hold up points, delay spots, congested spots and locations of high rate of accidents. Quick surveys will need to be undertaken to quantify the problem and to determine short term solutions. Existing public transport will need to be organized and integrated and steps will need to be identified to improve the use of the Existing Infrastructure.

As an interim measure a city wide network of bus services using buses of various sizes as per demand on each corridor should be introduced. Techno-Economic Feasibility of the mass rapid transit network and a Detailed project report for a mass rapid transit network with a financing plan should be prepared.

Medium and long term measures will include preparation of city growth plan to optimize transport need and a 'Comprehensive mobility plan' for the city. This will include plans for a Mass rapid transit system, Regional and suburban transit system, cycle tracks, pedestrian facilities, and role of cycle rickshaws, para-transit, taxis and autos and related infrastructure.

To help cities get started quickly, IUT will offer services of its member experts to cities.
The experts will assist the city authorities from the very first step i.e. organizing diagnostic studies, developing short term solutions, preparing 'Terms of Reference' for detailed studies, managing the tender process, appointing consultants, monitoring the studies and finally helping with implementation. The IUT experts will be with the city on 'no profit, no loss' basis and till the city develops its own expertise and institutions.